
10 Productivity Tips for Property Managers

10 Productivity Tips for Property Managers

Many property managers I talk to tell me that they aren’t nearly as productive as they know they could be. They feel like they spend a lot of time putting out fires instead of proactively setting a course and working towards it.  They want to be able to take more time off, yet feel they won’t ever be in a position where they can do this.

If you aren’t productive with the time you have and if you aren’t profitably running the business you’re in, you will work hard for years and end up worn out, frustrated, and broke.  My hope is that you can use the ten strategies we’ll discuss here to become more productive and more profitable.

In addition to the challenges they are facing that stem from productivity issues, many also express frustration that the money they are bringing in isn’t covering their expenses and they aren’t making money to pay themselves a decent wage and do what they want to do. They literally feel trapped in their businesses without knowing how to get out. If you have been experiencing any frustration from either lack of productivity or profitability, this blog post is for you. The reality is that this deep frustration stems from not focusing on habits of productivity and having procedures in place to ensure profitability.

My hope is that you’ll be able to incorporate these productivity strategies into your daily schedule so that you’ll be able to accomplish more. Focusing on profitability will help you make something from the property management business you are working so hard to build. When you start implementing these productivity and profitability principles and strategies, you’ll find more purpose in what you are doing and you’ll have a lot more fun doing it.

To start off, I think it is really important to understand what productivity is and what it is not.

I think Dan Kennedy’s definition of productivity is probably the best one I’ve seen. He defines productivity this way:

“Productivity is the deliberate, strategic, investment of your time, talent, intelligence, energy, resources, and opportunities in a manner calculated to move you measurably closer to meaningful goals.”—Time Management for Entrepreneurs, p. 60.

This is the distinction. To be productive, it has to be moving you towards your goals. If you get a lot done during the day, but it doesn’t help you reach your goals, you aren’t productive. Passing time in activity doesn’t mean that you’re closer to accomplishment.

If you want to be really productive and move closer to your goals, you have to change the way you look at your time and what you do each day.

To help you increase your productivity in your property management business, here are 10 productivity strategies you can use to get more done:

  1. Understand what it takes to be productive. You have to control yourself, your working environment, others, and what you will allow yourself to work on (your priorities).

Why don’t we act more productively? The problem in large measure is us. We don’t clearly define what it is that we want and we fail to make sure that every activity we do moves us closer to that goal. Jim Rohn was once asked why more people don’t become millionaires. His answer is very interesting. He said, “The reason more people don’t become millionaires is because they don’t have enough reasons to.”

Do you have enough reasons to keep you productive? Or do you allow yourself to get easily distracted from the things that you can do that create profit for your business?

What this really means is that you have to control yourself and many people find this especially challenging.

Most people have never been around someone who is extremely productive. They haven’t observed the success habits of those who get more done than others do. But, if you study this, you’ll find that the most productive people are those who have learned to control themselves and what they do.

Productive individuals put themselves in an environment where they can focus and any and all distractions are eliminated. In many cases, they use their environment to control their behavior. Prolific writers like David McCullough and Dan Brown have revealed that they work in a secluded environment where there can be no distraction from what they are doing, which in their case is writing. Some writers even have special computers they use to write that do not have the ability to connect to the Internet so they can focus on the task at hand.

To be more productive, you must learn to eliminate distractions that will prevent you from accomplishing the tasks you need to get done. This may mean working on marketing campaigns or other projects out of the business, or early in the morning before the business of your day begins. You have to discipline yourself to unplug the phone, turn off your cell phone, not connect to the Internet, and avoid anything that will distract you from the priority in front of you. Distractions today are incredible. Many are completely consumed by technology and have an automatic tendency to constantly be checking email, text messages, voicemail, Facebook and Twitter updates, phone calls, updates on their favorite web sites, etc.

To be more productive, you have to control yourself and control your environment. Even if you are the most productive person on the planet, you will still have productivity issues with those around you who interrupt you or who aren’t as focused on the task at hand as they could or should be. You must first learn to control yourself and your environment and then help those you work with to do the same.

Everyone has some form of productivity kryptonite—something that interrupts and prevents them from performing at peak productivity. Do you know what holds you back from getting more done?  Do you know what holds back members of your team?

A big part of increasing your productivity is to put constraints on yourself and on others. In other words, if you are your own biggest enemy, everyone else in your business and outside your business that want to talk to you are your next biggest enemy. You have to let people (including the owners and tenants you work with) know how you work so that you can get things done.  For example, if you are the sole operator in your business, you can’t be constantly interrupted by sales reps or others constantly calling you on the phone if you are going to add new properties to manage each and every week. You’ve got to balance out what you do.

To do this successfully, you need to have controls in place. For example, you may decide that you will return phone calls to tenants or property owners from 1:00 to 2:00 pm every day. Then, you have to train others that you will return calls sometime that day between 1:00 and 2:00 pm.

This will disappoint, frustrate, annoy and inconvenience some, but you will disappoint, frustrate, annoy and inconvenience yourself if you don’t have these types of parameters in place since you will have fewer sales and less productive time in your office and as you do the work of your business.

In other words, to be more productive, you must understand and control yourself and those around you.

The last thing I’ll say about this is that you have to be clear about your priorities. When you are clear, you can stay focused on the task at hand. The key to being more productive is to focus on one thing at a time. This means that you compartmentalize your thinking so that you allow yourself to focus on one thing at a time. The other part of this is being really clear about why you are staying focused. In other words, what is the reason behind the need for increased focus? Are you really motivated to stay on task because of the goal you have set for yourself? Here are some questions you should ask yourself:

What is driving me?

Does it really motivate me to stay on track?

Until you gain clarity on this issue, you will never have the personal discipline to control yourself, your environment and others around you because the priority won’t be strong enough to overcome the resistance you’ll feel.

  1. Have a personal success ritual. Don’t allow email, phone calls, or anything else interrupt during this time for you to think and plan.

If you’ve ever started a day in your business with a list of things you need to get accomplished and then find at the end of the day that you haven’t accomplished any or all of them, you have likely experienced a tremendous amount of distractions throughout the day.

What has happened is that one distraction after another has held you back from getting to your most important listed priorities. You let the crisis of the moment overcome the discipline of staying on task to accomplish what you know you need to get done. This is very easy to do as a property manager.

One of the best ways to stay on track in your day is to have a personal success ritual each morning when you wake up. This should be a time when you read and plan out the activities of your day. The most important thing is to focus on your priorities first and to proactively plan what you will do that day.

Unfortunately, most of us begin our day by checking our email. Then, we spend the next amount of time (depending on how many emails you’ve received) reacting to other things instead of proactively planning your day. When you check email everyday first, you are giving everyone else control of your life. The question you have to ask to break yourself of this habit is to ask:

Do you want to wake up every day and then figure out what everybody else wants you to do or what you want to do?

  1. Choosing to look at your email first thing in the morning gets you in the habit of doing what everybody else wants you to do first. While that is an important part of your business, is that really what you want your life to look like all of the time?

Remember, we are all creatures of habit. When you wake up each morning, you should have time to think about your day, to plan what you want to do, and how you will get to where you want to go. If you let others control your thoughts first, you will never find the time to come back to your most important priorities.

If your priorities aren’t set, it is easy to allow yourself to be distracted by lesser things first. Why? Because it is easier to give in to the resistance of doing something else than it is to focus on working on the task that will give you what you really want.

Fortunately, organizing around priorities is a skill that can be learned. Everyone can learn to become extremely well organized, efficient, and effective. The payoff for good planning is huge. The truth is that you save 10 minutes on execution for every minute that you spend planning. Another way of looking at this is realizing that you get a 1000% return on your investment every time you plan.

Your first 90 minute activity when you start working in your property management business (or before you get to the office) should be a time where you can DO something that you allows you to be PROACTIVE first.  You should not read or answer your email or your phone calls (because then you’ll be reacting). Instead, you should focus on your most important priorities. If you don’t do that saying, “I don’t have the time”, you will never have power to rise above where you are because you’ll never take the time to learn the necessary things to improve your life.

Your first activity of each day should be a ninety-minute time when you focus on your most important priorities.

This could include:

  • Reading
  • Planning out in detail your marketing campaigns for the next month, two months and three months (so you can generate the leads needed to grow your portfolio)
  • Developing a new business skill
  • Planning our your priority list for the day (limit to six priorities)

What activities or personal success ritual could you do in your first ninety minutes of each day that would help you experience peak productivity? Write these down and start tomorrow morning this way.

Research conducted by Jim Loehr and outlined in The Power of Full Engagement indicates that our bodies go through different rhythms. Our body rhythms goes through circadian rhythms (day and night) and also ultradium rhythms which are made up of 90 minutes of time. Instead of listening to our bodies when we need to take a quick break, we will try to squeeze even more out of ourselves to the point of exhaustion. This book talks about how you can recover your energy when you start to zone out by taking a 20-minute break. If you do this, your energy will return and you can focus again and get back into a rhythm or flow. Their findings indicate that the key to being more productive is to manage your energy around your natural biorhythms so that you will be much more focused and get more done.

You have probably heard the phrase “being in the zone.” Being in the zone is when you are totally engaged, involved, and feeling that you are really accomplishing something. You feel a sense of enjoyment. You accomplish more when you are in this state.

The key to being more productive is to improve your ability to enter this state of being in the zone and to spend more time there. If you don’t, you’ll automatically be pulled into more chaotic states and move away from being in the zone. And you will leave work at the end of the day feeling completely exhausted. Know what prevents you from being in the zone in your property management business and avoid those activities.

If you want to be in an optimum state more often, you have to take care of you. You need to have a personal success ritual that helps you recover your energy and get back on track. You have to eat better. You have to understand how your body works and work within those parameters to achieve even greater performance.

Each of us has the responsibility for our own lives. We have to accept responsibility for how we use our time, which in reality is our most precious asset. You can best do this by planning and executing your own personal success ritual.

  1. Stop trying to multitask.

We have all heard that multi-tasking is an essential and important part of getting things done. Unfortunately, multi-tasking is what causes us to be less productive than we could be if we would just focus on one thing for an extended period of time.

Multi-tasking is a so called “skill” that many individuals claim they have and do well. The definition of multitasking on Wikipedia is an interesting one.  It says that “Human multitasking is the performance by an individual of appearing to handle more than one task at the same time.” The distinction here is “appearing”.  There is a difference between “appearing” and actually doing.

There is a really interesting book written on this topic called The Myth of Multitasking by Dave Crenshaw.  His thesis in the book is that “multitasking or switchtasking” reduces your efficiency (doing things right) and effectiveness (doing the right things) because it constantly switches your mental focus.

Consider what he says:

“When most people refer to multitasking they mean simultaneously performing two or more things that require mental effort and attention. Examples would include saying we’re spending time with family while we’re researching stocks online, attempting to listen to a CD and answering email at the same time, or pretending to listen to an employee while we are crunching the numbers. What most people refer to as multitasking, I refer to as “switchtasking.” Why?”

“Because the truth is we really cannot do two things at the same time—we are only one person with only one brain. Neurologically speaking, it has been proven to be impossible. What we are really doing is switching back and forth between two tasks rapidly, typing here, paying attention there, checking our “crackberry” here, answering voicemail there back and forth back and forth at a high rate. Keep this up over a long period of time, and you have deeply engrained habits that cause stress and anxiety and dropped responsibilities and a myriad of productivity & focus problems. It’s little wonder so many people complain of increasingly short attention spans!” –Dave Crenshaw, The Myth of Multitasking

On the other hand, research has shown that those who stay focused on one thing for a specific period of time are able to get much more accomplished than someone who is trying to get multiple things done at the same time.

One of the biggest lies we can tell ourselves is that we are great multi-taskers. Don’t get sucked into believing this lie. Now, you are probably saying, “But, I really am good at multi-tasking.” Even if you could be good at multi-tasking, those around you are probably not. Research has shown that it takes an average of 25 minutes to return to a task when you are constantly interrupted. Think about the consequences of this in your life and in your property management business. Carefully measure how productive they really are.  Most business owners I’ve interviewed on this topic have privately admitted to me that they are not as productive as they could or should be. They all attribute it to being constantly interrupted or distracted.

Get control of yourself. Don’t fall for the lie that multi-tasking makes you more productive. In reality, it spreads you thinner so that nothing really gets done as well as it could if you would just focus on one thing single-mindedly for a period of time.

Here are some questions for you to consider:

  • Do you feel that you are good at multi-tasking?
  • How many times in an average day in your work as a property manager do you find that you are interrupted?
  • How often do you find yourself trying to juggle multiple projects at the same time?
  • What one idea can you start using in your property management business to become more productive?

Take the time to think through these questions.  Most of the things that you do as a property manager require intense focus. When you take your mental focus off of one thing to focus on another, it is certain that you will make mistakes and not accomplish as much as if you would just focus on one single thing at a time.

One thing that Property Management Inc. has recently helped franchisees to start implementing is to document the flow of their processes through This valuable systems builder can help you set up a powerful flow of tasks through your entire organization and make sure that you are organized when you are dealing with multiple properties, tasks, and deadlines.

  1. Schedule and focus your time in uninterrupted 90 minute blocks.

All of us get distracted. Sometimes it is easy to welcome the distraction if we don’t want to face the challenges we have in front of us. One of the big secrets to being more productive is to manage your time in small chunks of time. Because we all know our tendency to procrastinate and get distracted, I have found it best to have a start and end time for what I am working on each day.

All of us have numerous projects to work on. When you break these activities into small chunks, they are much more manageable. When you begin a project, it is important to also have an end time, a time when you will stop. If you don’t manage your time in this way, it will get away from you. Remember the Old Scottish proverb: “What may be done at any time will be done at no time.”

The best way to overcome this is to focus your time in uninterrupted blocks working on the high priority activities for a minimum of 90 minutes at a time. Break the elements of your property management business into systems that you can focus on in blocks of time. When you do this, don’t allow yourself to get distracted by anything else.

  1. Use a countdown clock to ensure you stay on task.

Use the timer on your smart phone that counts down how much time you will spend on a specific activity that you’ve identified needs to be completed.

Then, when the timer stops, you have to stop working on that task. To be more focused and productive, you have to have a beginning time and an end time. If you focus in 90 minute blocks, you will get so much more done.

If you set aside just 50 minutes each day of productive time (and you eliminate all distractions so that this time really is productive), you’ll find that you will gain 188 hours a year of intense productivity (if you just do this once per day for five days a week). I would encourage you to set a goal to try this for the next month. Start at least an hour and a half before anyone else knows you are available in your business. Turn off your phone, disconnect your computer, close your email program and focus on one thing that can help your business to grow. If you will do this consistently every day for one week and then one month, you’ll be amazed at how much more you are able to get done.

Here are some other tips to help you stay productive:

Think on paper.  Make and use lists. All of us know that we are much more effective when we think through our day on paper first. We don’t do this more often because it is easier to begin and get distracted on other activities than it is to take five minutes to plan out your day first and focus on these things systematically throughout the day. Take time to plan out the next day before you finish for the day.  If you didn’t do this the night before, spend 10-15 minutes first thing the next morning to plan out what you will do that day.

When you plan, write down the six most important priorities you need and will get accomplished that day before you go home. When you get interrupted, do your best to get back on task as quickly as you can. Remember, productivity is about control.

Be clear about why you are doing what you are doing. The more clarity you have and the more tied your daily activities are to your goals, the more productive you will be.

Use a system to keep track of the paper coming across your desk – use three sets of files (labeled 1-30 representing this month, next month, and the month after that. When paperwork comes in, file it to where it needs to be taken care of. Then, you can avoid clutter and be reminded of what needs to be done when.

Schedule times during the day (that are not during your peak performance periods) when you can look at email and return phone calls.

This is becoming a bigger and bigger problem all of the time.  It can be very easy to get caught up in what is happening with email, online with social media, and voicemail messages. The problem is that some of these behaviors are so ingrained in us that we get online almost subconsciously because we are addicted to getting information and being interrupted. To get out of this habit, you have to consciously plan and put barriers in the way of the subconscious routine that ends up wasting much of your time. If you don’t, you will constantly be sucked into this routine and always be much less effective than you could be.

A big key to being more productive is to understand when your peak performance times are and work around these. You should do all of your creative work in your peak performance times. Don’t make phone calls or look at email during that time.

Each person has a specific time of the day when they are most effective. If you have ever referred to yourself as a morning or a night person, you are already aware of your peak performance period. It is the time of day when you have the greatest clarity of thinking, have the most creativity, the most confidence, and the most energy.  Research has shown that the average person experiences four periods of performance during the course of a sixteen-hour day.  These are:

  • Three hours of peak performance
  • Five hours of good performance
  • Six hours of feeling as if they are not operating on all cylinders
  • And two hours of complete exhaustion

To be more productive, know and work within the parameters of your peak performance times.

Another key to productivity is to remember that you can’t be productive in environments that aren’t conducive to productivity. You have to eliminate distractions if you want to get things done. In today’s information age, where we are all so wired and connected, it is nearly impossible to not be constantly distracted by incoming emails, text messages, alerts from apps, phone calls, and numerous interruptions from others around us in the form of questions or idle chatting and gossip. The only way we can eliminate these distractions is to purposefully take ourselves out of this environment. Remember, distractions will always be constant if you allow them to be.

Even if you value your time and are trying to focus on getting things done in bite size chunks, you may have those who constantly interrupt you. You may need to set some very specific parameters in place to ensure that you are not interrupted when you are trying to think through the specific things that you are working on.

Remember, you are in control of your time. Don’t let others rob it from you by dictating your schedule. It can usually wait. Be the master of technology. Don’t let it master you.

  1. Track your time and know where it goes.

Dan Kennedy says, “Just as the person who cannot tell you where his money goes is forever destined to be poor, the person who cannot tell you where his time goes is forever destined to be unproductive. And, often, poor.” –Time Management for Entrepreneurs, p. 66.

Know where your time goes. Value your time and refuse to do activities that will pay you less than the desired hourly rate you’ve set to help you reach your goals.

  1. Split your daily task list into activities that will generate profit and those that won’t. Then, spend your time on the activities that will help you make the money you’ve said you are worth. Refuse to do activities that don’t pay you your hourly rate.

I recently had a conversation with a business owner who told me how much she enjoyed getting out of her business to relax. She would take every opportunity to run an errand or to get out of her business so she wouldn’t have to deal with the stress that she felt all of the time. She wasn’t taking time to relax outside of the business by taking a day off and this was affecting the activities she was doing to generate sales and profits. I asked her to make two lists for me. One was to list all of the activities that she did on a daily basis to generate profit for her business. Then, next to each activity, I asked her to list how much time she was spending on each of those activities on a weekly basis. Then, I asked her to do the same for activities she currently did such as running errands that do not generate a profit for her and her business. She realized by doing this exercise that she could be much more effective if she would schedule time off that would allow her to escape the pressures of her business. She also realized that she needed to schedule more profit producing activities into her schedule.

Here is a good question for you to reflect on: When was the last time you scheduled time to do the things that bring you the most revenue and profit into your day?

Unfortunately, most people react instead of proactively plan their schedule. You won’t plan these things unless you are thinking about them. So, start thinking more about what needs to be done and plan these activities into your daily and weekly schedule.

Remember, the secret of your future success is hidden in your daily routine.

You really have to change the way you think about your position as a property manager and your business.  If you’ve ever thought, “I’m the lowest paid employee,” you have to stop seeing yourself this way. You are irreplaceable in your property management business and your time is invaluable.

You are the one who markets your business, who meets with property owners and tenants resulting in signed property management agreements and signed leases. You are the one who can focus on increasing the number of revenue streams in your business. You are the one who can increase the profitability of your business. You are the most valuable asset in your business.

When you understand that, you can divide your time out into three types of daily activities:

  • What you do.
  • What you should be doing.
  • What you should be delegating to others to do for you.

Understanding the difference between these three will help you become more productive and help you be more profitable since you will only spend time on activities that will help the profitability of your business to increase.

If you think that you are different and more productive than most people, congratulations. Unfortunately, the reality is that most people aren’t as productive as they would like to be.

Consider that according to a recent survey of CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, the executives interviewed admitted that they only have 28 minutes of productive time per day.

Here are three important principles to remember about the true value of your time:

  • The higher your number, the less tolerant you should be of people using your time. If you allow this, you are essentially allowing people to reach into your pocket and steal from you.
  • Make it difficult to waste your time.
  • Remember, you can’t make $100,000+ a year by doing $10 an hour work.

Know and understand what you time is worth. When you know what you want to earn per hour and you are clear about that, you will only do activities that can help you earn that much money per hour. You will delegate or hire others to do the other activities for you. Be more productive by focusing on activities that will help you be more profitable at your business. You are the only one who can control this so don’t get distracted by doing things that keep you busy instead of focusing on the things that will help you become profitable and more successful.

  1. Incorporate habits that will help you be more proactive and less reactive.

John Maxwell in his book Today Matters makes this statement: “Unfortunately, many people approach their lives very passively.  They take a reactive approach instead of a proactive one….If you’re proactive, you focus on preparing.  If you’re reacting, you end up focusing on repairing.”—Today Matters, p. 21.

In matters of personal productivity and increasing the profitability of your property management business, are you accepting your life or are you leading yourself to where you want to go?

John Kotter, a professor at Harvard Business School and the author of Leading Change once observed: “Most people don’t lead their own lives—they accept their lives.”

This is an important point. Taking action and implementing what you have learned in this post will change your life, but you have to change your habits if you want to incorporate what you’ve learned into what you do.

John Maxwell makes this statement in Today Matters: “Successful people conquer their feelings and form the habit of doing things unsuccessful people do not like to do. The bookends of success are starting and finishing.  Decisions help us start. Discipline helps us finish.”

He continues:

“Most people want to avoid pain, and discipline is often painful. But we need to recognize that there are really two kinds of pain when it comes to our daily conduct. There’s the pain of self-discipline and the pain of regret. Many people avoid the pain of self-discipline because it’s the easy thing to do. What they may not realize is that the pain of self-discipline is momentary but the payoff is long-lasting.”

“If we’ve made a decision to try to be healthy, but we put off exercising, it’s true that we avoid thirty minutes of unpleasantness. But then we feel guilty because we’ve violated the decision we know was right for us. Then we regret not having exercised. And if we consistently avoid exercise, we end up paying a price later.”

“On the other hand, when we do practice the discipline of exercise for thirty minutes, we feel good about ourselves the entire day. That’s a great trade off. We get sixteen hours of positive feelings about ourselves for half an hour of work. And if we consistently practice the discipline of exercise, we also receive a health benefit that can literally save—and extend our lives. When we subject ourselves to the pain of discipline, the rewards are great and our opportunities increase. However, if we repeatedly compromise our discipline, we not only receive fewer opportunities, but the regret grows.”—John Maxwell, Today Matters, pp. 26-27.

This is the same with productivity in your personal life and in your property management business.

Many people say that they like technology because it helps them to improve their productivity. I really like Dan Kennedy’s observation about this.  He says:

“Technology is terrific when it really enhances productivity. But all too often it only gives the illusion of that. People who spend hours on end roaming the Internet or in email dialogue don’t fool me. This is just another escape into busyness, just like going to one darned meeting after another.” –Time Management for Entrepreneurs, p. 95.

If you would like to read more about habits to help you become more proactive and less reactive, I would highly recommend six books to you:

  • Million Dollar Habits by Brian Tracy
  • Seven Habits of Highly Successful People by Stephen R. Covey
  • The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz
  • Today Matters by John C. Maxwell
  • More Proactive Sales Management by William “Skip” Miller
  • Time Management for Entrepreneurs by Dan Kennedy
  1. Get out there and hustle. Don’t be content to just get things done. Get them done faster by conquering the resistance that stops all of us.

George Cloutier in his book Profits Aren’t Everything, They’re the Only Thing says: “It’s easy to blame the economy but the underlying cause is the business owner’s unwillingness to do the obvious: get out there and hustle.” There are great opportunities all around for those who commit to making it happen and give a little bit more every day. Abraham Lincoln once observed: “Good things may come to those who wait, but only those things left behind by those who hustle.”

If you hustle and act quickly when you resolve to do something, you will be much more productive. The ability to take action and implement is one of the most powerful ways to ensure that you will stay on top of everything you have do that needs to be done. Be one who is known for always tackling new projects with fervor and enthusiasm and being committed enough to work until they are done. You can’t afford to be complacent. You must be willing to do the hard things and do them now. Don’t delay.

If you’re experiencing difficulty in your property management business, don’t wait it out. Waiting for things to be different most likely means that you are in for a long wait and will probably miss the opportunities that come to those who hustle. Don’t take no for an answer. Estee Lauder once reminded her sales force that “I didn’t get there [to the sale] by wishing for it or hoping for it, but by working for it.” She was described in her biography as “a woman you simply can’t say no to…the real reason Lauder has succeeded where others have failed it that she simply refuses to give up.”

Here is an assignment for you. Make a list of what you could be doing or doing faster in your property management business to become more productive. Then, once you have that list in place, act on it every day.  Remember, the real difference between financial success and mediocrity in any business is action and implementation. There is no question that work is a verb. All of us know more than we do. If you’ve been sitting on a great idea that can help you accelerate your business and beat your competitors, now is the time to get up, get started, and make it happen. Don’t make excuses. Just get it done (and don’t forget to hustle).

Choose to be more focused on your productivity every hour of each day. Work to improve yourself and those around you. When you do so, you will increase your effectiveness and your property management business will become even more profitable and successful. If you would like to discover how you can increase your productivity in your property management business with better systems in a Property Management, Inc. franchise, please schedule a time by clicking here:
